There has been a lot of talk in recent years about doing things that are healthy for your heart. Hardly a week goes by without some new fact or warning on the news about the latest foods and exercises to avoid or to add to your routines. It seems like almost everyone is consumed (and rightfully so) with lowering their cholesterol or with making time for more cardiovascular exercise. I haven't heard much, however, about taking time to do what's good for your heart. Not the physical heart that beats and pumps blood to keep you living, but the non-physical heart that allows you to feel, to relate with other people, and to make life worth living.
You see, I think that all of the work spent on your physical heart is in vain if you do not take just as much time or more to work on the health of your non-physical heart. I know all the excuses: life is too busy, my job is too demanding, my family requires all of my extra time. If you're making any of these excuses the first step for you is to realize that the health of your heart is valuable enough to make a priority.
Taking time for your heart will not complicate your life as you might imagine. In fact, most people find that making time to improve the quality of their heart actually simplifies life and makes even the hardest things seem more enjoyable. Taking time for your heart will often help to renew friendships with people and re-center your life on what really matters.
Doing what is good for your heart can be as simple as going to see a good movie or picking up a book that you've wanted to read for a while. Your heart can be strengthened and renewed over a cup of tea with a close friend or by a long walk in the morning before the day begins. The only requirements of things that are healthy for your heart are that they refocus you and bring you joy and perspective in the midst of the busyness of life.
Just like the health of your physical heart is essential in order to have a healthy body, so the health of your non- physical heart is vital to having a healthy life. So take seriously this warning about your need for a healthy heart, and do what it takes to increase your heart health and life
expectancy today.