If there are different tips and paradigms that are
constantly distributed in society regarding health in
general and staying healthy, there are also many false
assumptions in staying healthy. These false
assumptions pertaining to steps or practices to stay
healthy may be risky for an individual. Worse, one of
these false assumptions may lead to illness if done
improperly to a significant extent.
Fallacy 1: Eating Too Much While Still Young Is
We have this common notion that as long as we are
still young, we can be lenient and just eat what we
want without moderation. We can always argue anyhow
that our young bodies can still take some sort of
nutritional punishment and would be able to rectify
the effects afterwards.
The truth about this is that though we are actually
able to rectify such situation, the damage has begun
already. Furthermore, we do not know at what age our
body starts to not be able to restore the optimal
health status at full efficiency. For example, eating
high cholesterol food would have a preemptive effect
of deposits in the arteries. Before long, this would
reach a stage wherein the process is irreversible and
may cause the life of the person.
Even if there was a reason that ageing is part of life
and that even how much we try to choose the right food
our bodies would still deteriorate anyway, the thought
of why would we hasten the process of ageing by
introducing unwanted radicals to our cells should be
enough to keep us on the right way of thinking.
Fallacy 2: Not Eating Carbohydrates Will Make You Lose
Weight Faster
Another common misconception is that we would be able
to lose weight faster if we didn't eat any food that
is rich in carbohydrates. This would account breads,
rice, and other starchy foods. Though it is a fact
that these types of foods are high in calories,
carbohydrate deprivation will not contribute to faster
weight loss. Certain parts of the body would require
some nutrients that come along with carbohydrates in
rice and other starches such as Vitamin B complex.
Furthermore, sticking to an alternative diet such as
pure protein will not help one lose weight faster.
Fallacy 3: Starving Will Help You Lose Weight
A much more drastic misconception is the notion that
skipping meals would lead to a faster weight loss.
Ideally, that should be the case if the aspect of
caloric intake is the only thing to be considered.
However, there are also some other aspects such as
ulcer developing in the gastrointestinal area, or
perhaps a retroactive effect on the body of the
starving individual wherein the body signals the brain
that there is nutritive deprivation. The latter would
cause the metabolism of the individual to slow down
significantly to cope up with the body's current
Furthermore, if the body is further subjected to much
more food deprivation, the body will not be using the
fats right away. The surrounding muscles cells will
start to take the brunt leading to muscle atrophy.
These are just some of the most common fallacies that
are freely thought of by the people who haven't been
properly educated about them. Nevertheless, one of the
only eternal aspect of staying healthy is of the self,
along it is self-responsibility and self-control.